Introducing Workshop

A modern workshop management platform for mechanics


Workshop by bikebook: Simple Setup, Seamless Workflow

Learn how Workshop by bikebook can easy integrate into your business with our super simple on-boarding process and intuitive design.
  • Ryan Elson
    Published by Ryan Elson
    on 04 March 2024

Hey everyone, fellow bike enthusiasts and wrench-wielding wizards! Are you tired of clunky workshop management software that takes longer to learn than fixing a flat tire? Look no further than Workshop by bikebook, the intuitive platform designed specifically for streamlined bike workshop management.

Here's why Workshop by bikebook is the perfect fit for even the busiest mechanics:

Simple Setup, Seamless Workflow: Forget days spent navigating complex menus and agonising over tutorials. Workshop by Bikebook boasts an incredibly user-friendly interface. With a clean layout and intuitive design, you'll be up and running in no time, even if you're not a tech whiz.

Focus on What Matters: Fixing Bikes! We know your time is precious. Workshop by Bikebook minimises training and lets you focus on what you do best – fixing bikes! The straightforward interface allows you to quickly:

  • Schedule appointments: Manage your calendar effortlessly, view upcoming bookings at a glance, and easily reschedule or cancel appointments.
  • Create and manage customer profiles: Store customer information securely, track service history, and easily access past bookings for repeat customers.
  • Quote and invoice with ease: Generate professional quotes and invoices in seconds, saving you from time-consuming paperwork.

Built by Mechanics, for Mechanics: Unlike generic software, Workshop by Bikebook was developed by mechanics, who understand the needs of our industry. This translates to features that directly address your everyday challenges, making your life easier and your workflow smoother.

Join the Growing Community: Workshop by Bikebook connects you with a network of fellow mechanics. Share best practices, learn from each other, and stay up-to-date on industry trends – all within the platform.

Ready to ditch the frustration and embrace efficiency? Sign up for Workshop by Bikebook today and experience the difference for yourself. Remember, minimal training, maximum results!


Bikebook was created to help cyclists find the best service for the right price.


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