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22 January 2025

3 minute read

Autumn Cycling: Impact Considerations

Autumn is a beautiful time of year to go for a bike ride. The leaves are changing colour, the air is crisp, and there are fewer crowds on the trails. But it's important to keep in mind a few impact considerations when cycling in the fall.

Ryan Elson

Ryan Elson

Founder & CMO

Autumn Cycling: Impact Considerations

Autumn is a beautiful time of year to go for a bike ride. The leaves are changing colour, the air is crisp, and there are fewer crowds on the trails. But it's important to keep in mind a few impact considerations when cycling in the fall.

Wet leaves

One of the biggest challenges of autumn cycling is wet leaves. Wet leaves can be slippery, and they can also obscure obstacles on the ground. Be sure to ride slowly and carefully when you're riding on wet leaves. You may also want to consider using wider tires, which will give you more grip.

Fallen leaves

Another challenge of autumn cycling is fallen leaves. Fallen leaves can clog your bike chain and gears, making it difficult to ride. Be sure to clean your bike regularly, and avoid riding through deep piles of leaves.

Reduced visibility

The days are shorter in the fall, and the sun sets earlier. This can reduce visibility, making it more difficult to see other cyclists, pedestrians, and motorists. Be sure to use lights and reflective clothing when you're riding in the fall, even during the day.


Wildlife is more active in the fall, as animals prepare for winter. Be aware of your surroundings and watch out for deer, bears, and other animals that may cross your path.

Trail erosion

Wet leaves and fallen leaves can make trails more vulnerable to erosion. Be sure to stay on the trail and avoid riding through areas where the vegetation is sparse.

Here are a few additional tips for minimising your impact when cycling in autumn:

  • Choose your route carefully. Avoid trails that are known to be muddy or slippery in the fall.
  • Be aware of the weather conditions. If it's raining or snowing, be sure to adjust your speed and riding style accordingly.
  • Pack out what you pack in. Leave no trace of your visit. If you bring food or drinks with you, be sure to take all of your trash with you when you leave.
  • Respect other users of the trails. Be aware of your surroundings and ride at a safe speed. Yield to pedestrians and other cyclists.

By following these tips, you can help to protect the trails and minimise your impact on the environment when cycling in autumn.


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